haters gonna
hate! bitch say
whaaa’ ?! now, you're
going to die! psychosocial
baby! auu! aceste jocuri
le detest. si sa-ti
arunc in piept sageti numai
tu! it's obvious
that you're dying so now
let's see you! yeah, yeah, well you're just a mess. in another life! it's time to face the music. the one that got away. and you're still mad at me. i can't hold on. if i turn my back i'm
defenceless. this is too
much to hold on. there's
hope for the hopeless. Cow. aceleasi vorbe aruncate fara
rost. dar nu mai am
niciun regret. nu stiu ce ma mai tine aici..ce vreau sa fac?..e
o zi perfecta pentru a muri. am un singur loc in care imi place sa stau. makes no sense. it's too late to save myself. m-am saturat. nu vreau sa mi se spuna ce sa fac, cand pot vorbi, cand trebuie sa tac. hey, listen,
cause i'll only say this once. de maine ma apuc de invatat! Stop. say you love meeee. fire in the disco!
it's my desire. i
can't sleep at night. de telenovele sunt satul. ma
doare capul. pe
bune, nu spune ca e vina mea. mai bine ma lasi asa, pur si simplu. nu-i cazul sa
cauti un motiv. te rog
insinstent. you got to come original. you got to come original. ha! you know it
ain't easy. you've got
the demons to wrestle now. don't blink, don't close your eyes. thickening the air i'm breathing. i'm alive! i can feel you all around me. i believe you, i believe. am
visat ca m-am preschimbat intr-o cartita sub
oras. am incercat sa-mi
fac un drum catre oras. deasupra mea viata tropaia, dar
eu sapam mereu paralel cu ea. sub pamant. we're
gonna start a fire. sometimes all you need is a good push. i
feel a little rough. wow! i don't wanna change the world. and i'll survive. zi de zi arata-le ca ai minte. wake up call. i don't think so